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BIOTraCes: Connecting for Biodiversity

BIOTraCes: Connecting for Biodiversity



Sir David Attenborough,
British Naturalist and Presenter

Biodiversity affects every aspect of life on earth from food production and human nutrition to mental and social well-being.

However, biodiversity is currently being threatened, resulting in a significant loss that impacts our society. 
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BIOTraCes stands for Biodiversity and Transformative Change for Plural and Nature-Positive Socities. 

Our researchers will develop knowledge, tools and novel approaches towards a society in harmony with nature. We aim at tackling public policies, locals strategies and corporate strategies to be more inclusive and just. Thus, BIOTraCes is in line with the European Green Deal and the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations.
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BIOTraCes studies biodiversity loss and restoration as it relates to society.  This will be acheived through our nine case studies.

Our aims are to:
  • Identify power lock-ins
  • Discern leverage opportunities and enable stakeholders
  • Test co-produced interventions
  • Analyse indirect causes of biodiversity loss (e.g. structural factors) that are barriers to sustainable decisions and behaviour

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Our Nine Case Studies

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Our Principles

Our research will be guided by the following principles:

  • Pluralising (acknowledging variety in values)
  • Empowering (enhancing agency of marginalised groups)
  • Politicising (unveiling the political dimension of obstacles towards transformative change)
  • Embedding (bringing transformative change into the economy, social practices and policy)
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Our Theory of Transformative Change

The primary output of our project will be our Theory of Transformative Change. This will synthesise the project's findings. It will outline the crucial steps towards biodiversity recovery. And it will create public and private strategies for initiating, accelerating and (up)scaling transformative changes.
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Our Partners and Social Media Accounts

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